Because Creativity Creates Possibilities

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Savouring the Season takes lots creative pauses along with self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-discipline, and self-control. As you ride this end-of-year-pendulum swing of expectations, exhilarations, exhaustion and excuses, I want to say: From the bottom of my heart, I hope that you get everything you are dreaming and manifesting and setting your intentions to deliver. Good job! Keep going! All the Best for 2024!

Every day in every way, your leadership matters. I believe this with such conviction, I wrote a book on the topic!

AND… With these same wishes for your continued flourishing and well-being, comes the acceptance that we are all relatively flawed when it comes to knowing exactly what we really want and the creative process is often a loop-de-loop of forward momentum.

For example, I have written goals that include:

So why does this December 19th’s blank page nudge me to declare: “… I am going to write a $500 cheque to the Biosphere’s Future Leaders’ Fund”? Because, when I launched the book, I announced that I would pledge $2/book from the sale of each of the first 500 copies and while I have not met the financial formula, I am confident that I will soon sell 250 copies of Gratitude Ignition Guide: Notes to my Leadership Self  

As a committed creative thinker, I know that my decision-making process is messy, and I often need to reverse engineer my thoughts in order to justify my actions.

What comes first? Honour the pledge to make a donation or sell the books?

Since this is clearly the season of giving and generosity, I am going to make the gift first, with creative confidence.

As a free-writing, free-wheeling, unpredictable, adherent to the messy process, and by giving myself permission to write whatever comes to mind, my thoughts sometimes cartwheel ahead of logic. When we write without judgement, we can make decisions based on a willingness to stay persistent, show up, pay attention, and savour moments of spontaneity.

Deciding what I want to savour, what brings me joy, what motivates me in this great mystery of life, is inspired by my daily journal practice. Are you ready to explore your end-of-year decisions with curiosity, creativity and gratitude? How about…

With Gratitude and Thanks to all who believe in the power of community. Thanks to all who joined Grassroots Gratitude’s Book launch on November 29, 2023.

Thanks to Jill Jamieson for being the great creative, warm and wonderful conversationalist that you are! Thanks to WLD Faye, WLD Matt and WLD Keith at Wild Life Distillery for hosting . Excerpt from WLD’s recent newsletter:

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