Inspiring Thought(full) Leaders

Vision: Everyday leaders enjoy honing their communication skills by writing, reflecting and savouring -- gratefully and gracefully.

How? With a solid commitment to writing in a journal.

The Story Behind The Vision

About Grassroots Gratitude

Mission: To motivate an upsurge in positivity and confidence across Canada.

Grassroots Gratitude is the brainchild of community advocate, author, and master journal writer, Lorraine Widmer-Carson.

Lorraine’s personal mission is: To write daily. To appreciate widely. To recalibrate intentionally. To encourage others to cultivate their self-leadership rituals. Lorraine advocates for the benefits of writing longhand, looking for the positives, and getting down to basics.

In her experience as a community grant-maker and change agent, the journal has assisted her understanding of the swirl of life and its variables. It has sharpened her focus and improved her ability to listen, alerting her to the things that really matter in the short term, while keeping the bigger goals in mind. For Lorraine, the most important things are fundamental relationships: to family, to each other, and to place.

Grassroots Gratitude’s BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal): to shift our relationships to ourselves and to each other and to the planet by building habits that help us connect and care.

Are you ready to lead with gratitude?
Explore the power of a journal practice as your personal self-coaching tool.