Gratitude Trifecta: Write. Appreciate. Recalibrate.

Hone your skills by writing your way to what matters.

Become a stronger, more self-accepting, and resilient You. Sign up for this unique online series in order to explore writing, growing, and learning -- in a small group. Also available on a 1:1 basis, if preferred.
Small Group Registration
Max. 6 people = $550/person. 6 sessions.

Dates: TBD

Registration includes complimentary copies of two books
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Are you ready to challenge negativity, anxiety, and burnout by grounding your thoughts more positively?

A good gratitude practice can help you identify your strengths, understand your blocks, and gently nudge yourself to hit your reset buttons. From small annoyances to significant struggles, getting it down on paper is an excellent point of departure. Paying attention to the negativity that surrounds, is essential. By ending each writing session by with a query, “Okay, given all that, what’s going well?” you are sure to learn more about yourself!

Are you curious about your best, next step?

Giving yourself permission to write honestly, open-heartedly, and without filters is the best way to understand yourself better. Taking time to figure out what you’re thinking and what you truly value is a life-affirming exercise that is great motivation for taking your next best step on any given day. Gratitude and writing longhand helps to build grit, finding personal resolve and resiliency — even in the face of adversity.

Are you ready to lead with more positivity and confidence?

When you intentionally pay attention to and savour the things that are going well, you find more joy and energy. If you want to influence others with greater integrity, predictability, and impact, this course is for you. Why? Because leadership is all about strengthening our relationships – personally and socially. 

Unlock Your Secret Strength: With Gratitude

The good news? The start-up is easy. By incorporating a positive writing practice into your routine, caring individuals like you become more confident and self-aware. By honing your skills to face change and challenge with greater creativity, positivity and resilience you can more easily switch your leadership hats – mediator, facilitator, coach, evaluator and negotiator — whether you are acting in the role of parent, boss, team mate, or friend. Finding new words and new ways to reframe your thoughts can happen when you write longhand with permission to “write whatever”. Writing slowly, freely, and meditatively helps you get to know yourself better. Guaranteed – Gratitude Trifecta will help you learn something about yourself and it’s up to you to determine what that something will be! 

How it Works

Change doesn’t happen overnight—experts suggest that it takes at least 90 days of persistence and some discomfort to develop new habits that are sustainable. Cultivating habits around your writing habits, and choosing to step up with greater courage are key to personal growth and transformation.

In this series, you’ll commit or recommit to writing habits that are life-affirming, meaningful, and designed to nourish the skills that serve to your best personal advantage. As you navigate your days of change and challenge, your realities and personal context,  a writing ritual can help you grow with clarity, confidence and courage. With fresh insights, and Lorraine’s two books as your resources, you will explore the waters you are are paddling, by connecting the dots between your inner landscapes, magical thinking, realities, and ecologies. With a refreshing view, gentle conversation and an honest pen, you will coach yourself into a position of greater resolve, by committing to paying attention with a focus on the good things. Ultimately, Gratitude Trifecta conversations will help with decision-making and time management, as you determine for yourself: What are my things that really matter

Small groups (6 person max) includes:

Learn More:

Schedule a free conversation with Lorraine, prior to starting group sessions.

A Program for Change

The Gratitude Trifecta curriculum was created to address the challenges people face in their everyday lives, no matter how big or small. With grateful insight, experience as a journal writer and facilitator, Lorraine will encourage you to bolster yourself with a focus on strengths. By honing your writing skills in an atmosphere of trust and gratitude, you will remember this sojourn as a pivot point in your current chapter.

Curious? Book a free consultation:

Registration includes complimentary copies of Lorraine’s two books.

Small Group Registration
Six sessions. Small Groups. 6 person max. $550/person.  Price includes copies of Lorraine’s two books/person.

Meet Your Mentor

For almost 30 years, the practice of putting pen to paper has been my personal coaching tool and helped me understand how to keep growing by putting one thought ahead of another. 

Through the ups and downs, doors opening and closing, excitement with opportunity and disappointment in the face of challenge, my journal has been my personal confidante and my coach. More than 150 journals sit quietly on my shelf, testimony to hard work, messy thinking, creativity, occasional bursts of exuberance, insight, and many moments of joy. 

Through my tenure as a caring and engaged citizen, as a mother, sister, team cheer leader, friend—and tens of thousands of pages written in the half-light of morning—here’s what I’ve learned: 

  • Writing in a journal and making gratitude lists improves my understanding of myself 
  • Writing in a journal is an excellent self-coaching and self-regulation tool
  • Writing and reading builds social and emotional intelligence. 
  • Tracking my reasons to be grateful reduces my levels of resentment, fear and anxiety.
  • Being grateful helps me get unstuck, click my reset buttons and find the motivation to keep moving. 

I’m convinced that a daily writing practice can serve all who are willing to explore their sunshine and shadows, getting to know themselves better. I believe that starting in the privacy of your personal journal, writing with honesty and gentle self-talk, is an essential leadership skill. As you become more positive, more compassionate toward yourself and others, you will manage your time and attention with greater maturity and grace. By paying careful attention, opening your heart to new possibilities, and learning to honour the pause, your journal writing habits will fill you with insight and inspiration. In fact, I’ve witnessed it firsthand, thanks to participants who have been my fellow travellers, my social proof of concept.

Ready to unleash your creative potential, increase your personal self-awareness and lead with greater courage and confidence? Join me for the Gratitude Trifecta: Write. Appreciate. Recalibrate.

Gratefully yours,

Lorraine Widmer-Carson Signature

Lorraine Widmer-Carson

Kind Words

Our values guide everything that happens here at Grassroots Gratitude, which means always being true to one’s core self. Leading from a place of integrity and authenticity is like following a North Star—you can never lose your way.

“Lorraine is a thoughtful and committed leader, an effective communicator, and a model for any leader looking to understand how to leverage journaling and gratitude as practices for good decision making and focus on what truly matters.

Thanks to this program, I now realize the power in meeting with leaders from across Canada grappling with similar questions such as how to balance work and life, how to focus energies on what matters, how to lead in ways that are authentic and grounded in my values, how to set intentions for my day that enable me to remain focused on the activities that are of greatest importance, and how to use gratitude as a framework for reflection and decision making.

Authentic gratitude is complex. It is not simply the performance of appreciation. Rather it is an intentional and negotiated commitment to listen, to observe, and to recognize the good things, especially when they may be very difficult to find. Indeed, I have learned that it is in those times when things are most difficult that authentic gratitude becomes most important.”

  • Gratitude Trifecta Participant

Are You Ready?

To learn and grow is the journey of a lifetime and the path is not linear—let the Gratitude Trifecta experience help you decide on your next best step. I created this program for all those who are in a leadership role (broadly defined) and who are feeling lonely as you face your next challenge. This program is for you if:

  • You are interested in cultivating greater self-awareness, standing taller with higher levels of positivity.
  • You are eager to transform relationships and use gratitude to expand your relationships.
  • You’re committed to life-long learning, and interested in developing skills that may challenge your personal thoughts and beliefs.
  • You already know that gratitude and kindness are true character strengths—and you are eager to strengthen your other character strengths with focused intention.
  • You’re prepared to build a writing habit that will serve you as you grow a leadership style that is grounded in grit, grace and gratitude.

Grow with gratitude.